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Thursday, 26 November 2009


Ooh..I didn't write for a long time..!!
My friends asked me to write about the trip to ((dar el-3agaza))
But walla really I didn't suitable time to express my feelings and write a post about that trip which opened my eyes 3la things that………………….. I dunno..!!

My friends asked me to write about the national day event..
but I think it is more suitable to write a7daath el-event in the 2nd of December..!!
I will write in sha allah.. trust me, since I said: I will =ya3nee= I will in-sha-allah..
>>> so now ,, I assumed that you are waiting two posts to be written..

Although el-time causes (هوجآس) to me, sometime I waste it in doing nothing.. Or I miss some precious moments without doing anything..
Ooh God I hate that..!!
especially these days.. walla 7araaaaam.. I feel that I didn do very useful and meaningful things..these days are '3eer (el-10), definitely '3eeeer..
God ytqabbal mnna 9ale7 el-a3maal..Oo..ytqabbal 9yamna in-sha-allah

my dream..!!
mn kammen day I dreamed a lot of things.. as usual..!!
emmmm one of my dreams was that:
I complete my study (master),, and guess where??..
hahahaha in my primary school..!!!
I was wearing the uniform of the school, el-admin of the school knows me, she called me and asked me to change my uniform because it is m5alef, and then I went to 6abor el-9baa7..!!!!!!!

I discovered new thing in my brother..!!
while he was telling me about the competition, his friends, and their 7arakat and adventures, I feel that he is different than what is in my mind..!!
HOW?! >> I dunno
I dunno exactly what I have discovered hahahaha, emmm actually I know, but I dunno how to tell you.. things are mixed, and mafenee ashra7..!!

one more thing..!!

كــــ عآآآآم وأنتم بخيـــــر ــــل
عســـــ كم ـــآ من العـــ يدين ـــآ

*I have sth to tell you.. later in-sha-allah*

Monday, 9 November 2009


after I woke up.. and after a while.. I opened the window..I stood in front of the mirror..
I was staring in my face..in my eyes..in my eyes..in my eyes..and..in my eyes
>>> this means wayeeeed = a lot..!!
I was wondering ..
are these my eyes..?
is this my eye's color..?
woOw.. or.. yaaay..or.. may be the suitable one is sob7an allaah..!!!
I moved my face towards the light that coming from the window.. I notice that my eye's pupils became small..then I moved away from the light.. and my eye's pupils became bigger..
we studied this in the school..we know this..but I was laughing (3al-5feef) that I saw this.. actually I saw this in the past.. but today I feel '3eer..
i dunno why..?!!!
(metfaygah 9a7..?)

It's so hard to say bye..!!
even if you didn't live with that person that much..!!
today.. while we (F4:my friends + me) and some of our friends was sitting in the café (Mauro).. we were chatting about many different things.. then
One of the ladies that works there came to us.. and she said..hi.. I just wanna say bye..
and she was trying to hold her tears..!!
we were surprised..7leeeelha..!! when we said why?..no..? we will miss u..! …..etc
her tears start to fall down..!!!!
7leeeelhaaa.. she will go back to Philippine..
she was the one who always smile, chat with us, and know our names..know what we want before we make the order ..
emmm..so.. bye..and wish you all the best in your life..

oOh.. I thought that tomorrow will be the last day.. last day to have MidTerm exam.. and then there is no stress any more..
today.. I discover that Sunday..will be the last day..!!! oOh God
It takes very long time.. I wanna aftaak.. I don't care if it's easy or hard.. I wanna aftaak and feel free shway..!!
Bass of course>>> لعله خيــــــــر

ف كل الحالات بندرس .. وف كل الحالات بنمتحن .. الفرق هو الوقت
الحمـــدالله .. سبحان الله .. يمكن خيـــره حقنا..!!

bye the way..
emmm i may sometimes said things
or think of sth

emmm then i feel guilty
it may be silly thing

shasawee bel-feelings..?
I would like to say
Sorry Sorry Sorry
to someone who may never read this post
or may always checks my newest new..!!!
but 3al-2aqal I said sorry
to reduce the percentage of this feeling..!!

Sunday, 8 November 2009


I feel hungry..!!
I feel hungry..!!
I feel hungry..!!
I feel hungry..!!
I feel hungry..!!

Saturday, 7 November 2009

✿what's wrong..?✿

something wrong with me..!!
there is sth completely wrong in my brain..!!
I dunno what's wrong..!!
7alat el-enf9aam bdt 3ndee..!!!!!
thinking .. thinking .. thinking
maybe makes me in this 7ala
thinking about silly things..and huge things
may be
el-feeling bel-guilty
something missing
something wrong
I dunno...!!!!

✿---Time machine---✿

Do you remember (time machine = آلة الزمن ) >> r7lt 3annabah..?

this cartoon was 7loO..
I hope that there is a real machine which takes us to different period of time.. to the past.. to the future..!!
while I was helping in reordering the books on the shelves .. I found a magazine and I saw these photos

وتمنييت إنني أعيش هالوقت

وأكون بهاللبس .. وأكون ف هالجو .. وبين هالناس .. وعلى هالرمال
اللـــــــه .. حلووو .. أبا أعيش ف هاااالوقت

في الحياة التي امتزجت ببساطة العيش .. وصعوبة الاتصال
وأحس بقيمة الحياة..وبقيمة البقاء على وجه الأرض
مايخصني.. أبا أعيش هالوقت
والله خـــــآطري
سبحان الله
ف غضون فترة من الزمن تحولت الحياة من _ إلى
من رمال صفرا .. لـ جنة خضرا
تخيلو صدق..
كيــف النظرة الثاقبة .. والرؤية والتطلع للمستقبل بعيد المدى..
منو كان يتوقع إنه كل هآ بيستوي..؟

سبحان الله.. تخيلو صدق .. لا تتخيلون تخيل سطحي
يعني تخيلو بعمق وبتحسون إنه صدق سبحاان الله

بفضل الله
ثم بفضل رؤية زآيد

حكمته .. ونظرته .. إيمانه اللا محدود ف عطاء هالأرض واللي ساكن عليها
وبالفعل .. صار اللي كان يرنو إليه ..
[يمكن لو حد ثاني مابيفكر بنفس تفكيره .. ولا بيكون عنده نفس عزيمته وإصراره
وأصلًا بمجرد النظر لتلك الرمال الصفرا
"اللي كانت تغطي مساحات شاسعة"
>> الواحد قد يصيبه احباط وقد يتراجع من ان يخطو خطوة في سبيل تلوين الأرض باللون الأخضر

بس غيــــر اللي عنده عزيمة وإصرار وإيمان
و زآيد كان غيـــر
صدق غيــــر .. ف كل شي .. و ف أي شي]

من فترة كانت ذكرى وفاته
الله يرحمـــه بواسع رحمتـــه ..العظمآء لا يغيبهم الموت
وبعد فترة ذكرى ميلاد الاتحاد
سبحان الله .. وسبحان مغير الأحوال ..

واللهم لك الحمد ع النعمة اللي نحن عايشين فيها
وعسى أن تكون خيــرًا لنا
((اللهم اجعلنا من السعداء في الدنيا والآخرة))

مازلت مصره للعيش في تلك الفترة من الزمن..!!