°•°Wεlςöრe৳o HάķöØηãრä৳a৳ã BlØg°•°

Tuesday 21 July 2009

✿----Whä৳ is yöur ƒεεliηg?----✿

ماهو الشعور الذي ينتابك حين ترى هذا المكان بأم عينك؟؟

هل بالفرح..بالسعادة..بالخوف..بالرهبة..هل ستشعر بالعظمة أم ماذا..؟

I was wondering ,, what will be my feeling when I will be there..?? ..and after being there I almost found the answer for that..actually..
I felt with all these feelings and more.. and emm I don't know.. but.. emm I didn't recognize anything since my tears start falling and falling..

it was sh3oOr Raaaaa2ee3..walla amazing feelnig..

Thaank GOD..walla .. Thaanks waaaaaayeeeeed Ya Rabbe..

emmm I was here since Sat. 18/7

but I didnot tell anybody..walla I was fe 7aalt eshteyaaq to that holy place..
I didn'y want to come back here..I want to stay there..bass shoO nsaweee....!!
Kaan 3aady 3ndee ashred 3anhoOom =) bass ma7ad ybaanee loOol..
Fdeetny mno ma ybaa hakoOna..???!!!

any ways..
emm I have more pic's I only put these "from my phone" here just to inform you that I'm here..and the rest will be posted in another post where I will tell you more about what happened there..Or may be I will keep my memories in my diary book..!!! emmm I will see O inshalla 5eer..

7emdellah 3a salamtnaa..


allah ytqabbal mnna 9alle7 el-a3maal..


daloo3a said...

يا حظج اعتمرتي ^^

عمره مقبوووله بإذن الله

HάķöØnã✿რätatã said...

daloOo3at-UAE...heee walla =)
Oo 3qbaaalig..3aad yoom btsereen I will go with you 6ab3aan maaay59nee.. @_@

Thanks my sis..=)

Samt♥AlbadoO said...

عرمتن مقبـوله =)
شعور مب طبيعي يوم شفت الصور حسيت اني ابا ادخل فيهن

الله يهنيـــج يآ هكونتنـآ وربيه يتقبل من صآلح الاعمـآل

اثرتي فيه بالكلآم اللي كتبتيه
ان شاء الله يبلغنـآ هذآ المكـآن
وان شاء الله انج بتزورينه مره ثـآنيه

HάķöØnã✿რätatã said...

emmm inshallah yaaaaaaa rabb..
walla matet5ayleen shkether miss that place..sa3at I feel that I will cry la2nne I'm not there..

inshallah yaa raab tseren.. & u may will know more about my current feeling.. =)