°•°Wεlςöრe৳o HάķöØηãრä৳a৳ã BlØg°•°

Saturday, 26 September 2009

✿--- el-3eed~days(2)---✿

el-3eed kam day..?
some ppl will say 1day..some will say 3days..some may say 5days..emmm
عسى أيامنا كلها أعياد أسعاد >> جمع {عيد سعيد}
{execuse me..u have to read part(1) first..thank you}
..Third day..
was..... I dunno..bass this day.. I slept wayed..wayed wayed ba3ad..
I don't like sleeping a9lan..bass my biological clock is 5arbana..& this maybe a result of es'sahar in rem'6an..
I slept till 4 pm or more 7atta..rgaad ahl el-kahf..asta'3fer allah..bass '6ahre 3awarne mn kethr el-sleep..waa3..i don't like sleeping..i like it only when I really need to sleep..
I dreamed about 60 alf things in this period of time..
I dreamed..mawklee..bin f6ais..dr.nabeel..ppl that I don't know..!!
3aad how is this dream…….allah a3laam..?!!
Oo..malgeet '3eer dr.nabeel..?????? allah ysam7ek ya me55e..
bass could u imagine how is this dream..??..
if I told u........no no no..i "absolutely"will not..!!

el-3a9er..i woke up..& kesha5t bel-kandora {m5awerah}..kash5ah walla..
Oo..we decided to go out shway..we had fun..really walla..it was exciting..
after that..we went to my brother's house for dinner..7elwa lammat el-family..9a7 enna el-# of afrad el-family not kamel..
bass dayman Oo abadan ellammah 7elwaaah..
rawa'6e..{bent my bro}..was wearing pijama..when she saw me bel-kandora..immediately she went upstairs & wore kandora..she wants to wear same same hakona..fdeetha ma7lahaa..

..fourth day..
I was fasting this day..i slept till 4:18..5eeebah..walla I dunno what happened to me..!!

what's wrong with me..!!! i hate to sleep that much..bass..!!!!
I dreamed many different things..
el-one dream has different parts..{9aar film..!!}
I dreamed sth feeh blood..my friends..my cousins..my sis..and till now I'm trying to remember that anonymous person who was with me and asked me to go far.. along the beach to collect the most beautiful shells in that place..!!
when I woke up..i usually awgaf 3al-window to see el-street..i like this view..9aa7 enna kella sands Oo ramlaah..bass I like to see the view from my window..
>> at this moment..7asset bel-3eed..!!!!!
i told u sth wrong fe me55e..!!!!
a7eeen after 3 days..7asset bel-3eed..????
I dunno.. bass walla..at this moment I really feel bel-3eed..sth makes me feel bel-3eed..i dunno what is it..bass el-moheem that 7asset bel-3eed..it was a7laaa feeling..

Oo..at 8:20..i think.. el-match start..al-3in x al-ahli..el-heart 3enawee..emmm actually I'm not that much with mobarayat..Oo these things..bass this day..i wanna a'3aye'9 my brothers and sisters + "salem" weld 3amme..i told them that I'm supporting el-ahli..
Oo they start
y7qdoon 3aly..we were watching it fel-5aimah..el-gaw was exciting..whenever there is a chance for making goal>> elley shout..Oo..elley jumb..Oo..elley 3adee..!!
I was mtfa3lah..kel shway.. they said..
haaaa hakona 3a'asas u r supporting el-ahli..?!!!!
What can I do..?? la eradee entema2ee appears '3a9ben 3anne..
Bass it was exciting..7leelhom el-players..Oo..el-7emdellaah 3al-foOz..
at this day..i have an idea in my evil mind..mn kammen day i was trying to apply it, but I couldn't..in this day..i applied it..it's really amazing..i like that feeling..& the most exciting thing that no one know what r u doin at the same time u can c many things..many beautiful things around u..
emmm at that moment I really feel that I will do sth motahawer..but i know that
سيؤول بي المآل إلى مستشفى المجانين والخبال
Happy Dance
In my opinion..sometimes..emmm or maybe almost..i like to be crazy..7loO

Thursday, 24 September 2009

✿--- el-3eed~days(1)---✿

e7em.. I know everybody is waiting my new update
>> 3a'asas el-kel care about my blog..!!!
Today.. I wanna write in brief "hopefully" about el-3eed days..

..first day..
Was {of course..el7emdellah} amazing..i was the first person who said 3eedkom mbaarak to mammy and daddy and my older sis..
>> mnoO gadhom..?? hakona awal face yet9ab7on 3leeh..!!!
Briefly.. lammat el-family was a7la thing.Happy Dance.Oo 9oot el-laugh kan yeshra7 en'nafs..this 3eed nzalt el-9ala late shway.. more than kel marrah..to avoid el-mawaqef el-mo7regah.. kesha5t 3al-2aa5er..

e7em..fdeetny..they gave me nick-names for that kash5ah..!! a9laan kel 3eed Oo almost when akoon kash5ah lazem they give me some nick-names..
>> 5aggagah..!!

at the morning el-family was 3ndna..
Oo el-3a9er taqreban..el-family should be f beet 3amme..
7emdellah fel-first day..there was no strong gaf6ah as usual..
Oo..sth else..my 3edeyah was dramatically decreased..!!!!
bass walla a7laa 3edeya lammat el-family..Oo..far7athoOm..Oo el-new thing is that many many ppl visit my blog..I was really Happy Dancehappy to c their comments..
{Thaanks a lot for those who visit blogy & leave such nice comments}
..Second day..
Was amazing..waking up early..to make mshakek "barbeque"..kel afraad el-family [taqreban] was there..we had fun..
>> after finishing tg6ee3 el-meat..my bro asked me to cook bqaya el-pieces of meat..he said tfanneny fehoOm..Oo..hakona shaddah 7elha..walla these small pieces kan tastehom 7loO..i showed him my ebda3..!!..he said..mnoO will eat these things..??
my bro: i only aba asha'3elg..i saw u go here and there without she'3lah..and I wanna asha'3elg..!!
hakona: laaa walla..!!!
By the way..he was the last last person came to help in making mshakek..Oo 3a'asas he wants to ysha'3lnee haah..!!! fdeet my bro..
el-3a9er..kesha5t Oo kel shay..Oo..i decided to go and set with my family fel-green mayles..
and what happened..?..

lazem mo5a6a6..?!!..hahaha..!!
el-mohem..3mme na9er ykoon weld 5alat daddy.. mn zmaan i didn c him..!!
mn 7sn 7a'6ee i saw him in this day..!!
at the same time we d5alna el-entrance .. i was >>..!!
he was staring at me..!!..Oo..3addalt el-shaila..and sallamt 3leeh..Oo..he still staring..!!
Oo el-gmhoor el-5alfee
"afrad el-family>>fel-mo5a6a6"
were looking ba3ad..!!!
then..daddy and bro came and control el-mawqef..first en5ashet fel-yellow mayles till el-gmhoor yed5el..then 6ela3t..Oo tawaggaht ll-9alah..!!
asta'3fer allah..!!
el-7ayah 7elwat3awadna..!!

*actually their car is Station el-new model not as elle fel-mo5a6a6*

..wait for the next part..

Saturday, 19 September 2009

✿---3eed s3eed---✿

رمضان.. يالله ماصدق إنك خلصت بهالسرعة
حليلنا .. يللا إن شاءالله بنعيد ذكراك ف الــ6 شوال
والله يبلغنا رمضان السنوات اليــــايــه .. آميـــــن يـارب


تمر علينا الأعياد .. وتحمل في طياتها ذكريات رائعة
وكل شخص له ذكريات خاصة .. و ذكريات عامة
وفي كل عيد..تتجدد الذاكرة بذكريات يديدة.Happy Dance.وتنشّط الذكريات السابقة
وفي لحظات استقبال العيــد .. حد يتذكر وهو ساكت ويبتسم .. و حد يتذكر ويشارك الغيــر بحصيلة الذكريات اللي عنده
وحد يحاول يتذكر .. بس ذاكرته مختله جزئيًا وماخزنت شي يستاهل التذكر..!!!

منذ سنة 2006-2007{ أول سنة لي ف الجامعة }
وذكرى الفراشه .. أصبحت تلازمني كل عيد
وأفراد العايلة دووم يتذكرون هالشي .. وماقصروو .. مخبرين كل حد

الله يسلمكم الفراشه هي نوع من أنواع الشلق >> المفرقعات

وفي تلك السنة .. كننا نلعب بالشلق .. ونا أحب الفراشة
وكل شوي ألعب بوحده..وكننا انا واخواني الصغار .. وأخوي العود
اخوي العود >> المنظم لعملية اللعب بالشلق >> ع أساس { القدوة } خخخخ
المهم .. هاكونا قالت حق اخوانها .. يللا بنشوف منو اللي فراشته اّطير أعلى شي
وكل مرة هاكونا تفوز ف التحدي>> بالغشلا لا لا .. صدق كنت أفوز
وآخر مرة ..
كانت الفراشه معوايه .. ويوم طارت ماطارت ع فوق
طارت أفقي وباتجاهي .. ونا كنت قريب وايد منها ..

هاكونا بسرعه شردت .. وتصارخ .. وتصارخ .. وتصارخ .. ومازالت تصارخ
{ انا حسيت انها وراي .. وحسيت اني بحترق }
>> وايد ماخذه مقلب ف عمري خخخخ
المهم .. ربعت بعيد عنهم .. ورديت نكس .. وأستصرخ .. وأستنجد بأخوي العود
وأشوفهم كلهم عاااااادي
و ف خاطري .. لهالدرجه عادي عندهم أحترق لهالدرجه عادي..!!!!
.. وعقب شوي ..
كل حد يضحك علي .. ونا بعدني ماطلعت من الصدمه كنت مستغربه .. طلعت أمايه متروعه .. وتقوللي سلامات شو السالفه..؟
واخواني خبروها .. وف هاييج اللحظه حسيت بمدى غبائي ..
يعني صح إنه الفراشه طارت أفقي .. بس ماكانت وراي وتلحقني "كما زعمت"
>> يمكن كنت أتوهم..!!!

ضحكت ع عمري .. وضحكت ع مدى غبائي .. و ع مخي اللي يتوهم .. و ع إني وايد ماخذه مقلب ف عمري
بس صــدق .. من حقي .. والواحد ياخذ الحيطة والحذر
أحين كل مايابو طاري الشلق .. لازم اييبون طاري هاكونا والفراشه
{ طبعًا مب إللا أفراد العايلة تعرف .. كل حد يعرف..!! }

عيــــــــــــــــدكمــ مــبـــــــــــاركــــــ
وعـــســاكــــمـ مــن العــايديـــــنــــ
تحــملو ع عماركم .. وعيــد سعيـــد بعـيـــد عــن H1N1
بعيـــد عن حوادث الألعاب النارية والمفرقعات
وبعيــد عن حوادث السير والمرور

وملــــــــئ بكل معاني الســـعــــــاده
عاد ماوصيكم .. كشخو آخر كشخه .. وشاركونا بفعالياتكم ف العيــد